I am relieved that all the stores and the roads will be returning to a less chaotic state now that the festivies are over. Over our holidays there were times where we dreaded stepping for anything. If we ever did step out we made sure to rise at the crack of dawn (around 8 a.m. where I live), get our shopping done and return home all before 11:00 am. Worked out to be a lot less headache that way.
The past couple days I have been feeling blue as I was not looking forward to returning to work. I reflected on what I would like to see this new year.
New Year Resolutions:
- Get more sleep - I feel drained more often than not in the morning. I need to start going to bed earlier.
- Stop over thinking - Many times I let my mind get ahead of me or let it get the better of me. This ultimately leads me to distraction, anxiety, and an unhappy state of mind. I need to stop over analyzing.
- Stop procrastination - I am a world champion procrastinator. I need to stop this as it leads to further distraction and anxiety.
- Be more active - Especially today, I've woken up with aches and pains all over my body. I find the simplest task to be exhausting. Simply put, I am out of shape. I would like to find an outlet to allow myself the opportunity to become fit. I've tried going to the gym a couple times in the past and found that I did not like it. I want to find another method or means to obtain my exercise. I've put on some winter weight.
- Stop taking on more distractions (i.e.; electronics) - On Boxing Day I picked up a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet computer. My intent is to use it to successfully post more frequently on this blog. Over the past week or so I have lost majors hours to it, mostly just messing around. I also recall how many hours I wasted when I first got my smartphone 2 years ago. This needs to stop. As a society a lot of us are so "wired into the matrix" that we do not look up from what we are doing. I'm guilty as charged. I would like to stop taking in these distractions and take more time to enjoy what matters most. By also restricting these distractions I should be able to better achieve # 3 from above.
- Practice solitude more often - I would like to be able to sit and clear my mind. Focus on my body, my mind, and help focus my thoughts. This is what I hope this blog will help me achieve.
- Learn to drive - I am 25 years old and have had my learners permit for over a year now and still have not driven. I would like to be on the road to obtaining my full license by this time next year, if not sooner.
- Be mindful - By practicing Solitude (#6) I hope to achieve a mindful state of mind. I hope to be better aware of what other people are going through. I would like to be mindful of how my actions affect people and even how these actions affect myself. I also mean to be more mindful of how a good event makes me feel. For example, the warm feeling I get when I'm complimented.
- Take better care of myself - All of these resolutions ultimately lead to this. I want to feel happier, feel healthier, and be enlightened. These are my goals
- Cook and eat at home more often - Too many times I am willing to throw up my hands and say "Screw cooking tonight". I would like to take more advantage of my abilities to cook and make healthier food choices for me and my better half.
There you have it. Now (((PLEASE))) hold me accountable! :)
Whatever your goals, resolutions, or intents are for 2013, I hope you all the best.
Peace & Love, my friends!

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