
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wrapped up in life like a candy??

What is it about life? 

It picks you up when you’re at your lowest and yet still manages to kick you while you’re down. It seems like when I’m finally getting my foothold, or managing a firm grasp on the day-to-day living that is my reality, the ground crumbles at the slightest pressure. 

I like to believe that I have my “shit” together as the saying goes.  I have a career, a significant other, and a roof over my head.  However it feels like that’s all I’m fighting to do.  I feel like I’m fighting to maintain & keep these such things that make me a worth-while person. Instead of pursuing that the activities & the places that I actually want to go and do, I’m stuck feinting a fight just to live.  Instead of living I am putting up a farce to live. Doesn’t make sense does it?

I recall a good friend of my saying “Don’t let life wrap up around you”.  

I would like to you to look closely this saying; Humans live life.  They have to.  It’s part of our requirements, actually any organisms’ requirements in order to be a living being. Life is something we all take part in.  We live in life.  We flourish, reproduce, and occupy life.  We are the essence of life.  Here’s the kicker, or the question I’d like to poise to you my fellow homo sapient – If we are the essence of life how can we not but let it wrap up around us?

We are in life right now.  As I spend a slow afternoon at work typing this, I am in fact in life right now.  We co-exist. Therefore I am wrapped up in it.. (("I think therefore I am..."))

I think my beef with life right now is that it keeps going.  Whether or not I’m along for the ride, I am in the ride. I’m 23 years old and am finding that my hugest challenge is there is never enough time. 

Even as I write this I realize I’m out of time.  Maybe I should put this thought on hold; it’s starting to turn ugly in my head. 

Peace & love, my friends

P.S. I am moving once again..  Sigh. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Better Half

August is sneaking up. Time to move is sneaking up.
Between dentist appointments and getting dinged by the government during tax-man season, I wonder how it can be done.  I need more space, this little one bedroom apartment isn't cutting it anymore; an upgrade [and some more room...].  A balcony would be wonderful, along with washer and dryer in-suite and a dishwasher to package it up nicely.  Catch 22; Places this dreamy are hard to come by and most landlords only know about a month prior which make it difficult to plan ahead.
It's coming up that's all I can really say about it.

Summer seems to be here. At least I think. It has rained something terrible the last few weeks (maybe even month now?) and we haven't had our last snowfall all that long ago.  I sat in the sun this evening for a good 3 hours at Coronation Park behind the Telus World of Science with my friend so it may be a sign that the sun is here to stay.

I have no big plans for summer this except for the move.  I am looking forward to my week off at the end of this month.  It shall be the week of apartment shopping. 

My better half and I will be together for 2 years on June 19, 2010.  I can't believe how time has flown between us though.  I remember being really excited for our first date.  It was the first date I've been on in an extremely long time, which was true.. no dates...  for a really long time...  
Anyways, that Friday night, I get off work, head home, do some maintenance on my appearance, and fly out the door to hop the bus.  We had made plans to meet up and check out The Incredible Hulk at West Edmonton Mall.  Some people would say the movie wasn't all that good, and the reason why we choose that movie is because we had a conversation about Edward Norton prior to this date.  Mainly that Fight Club was one of Xavier's favourite movies.  To this day I can't recall whether I liked the movie or like the fact that I was on date with him watching the movie but I liked The Incredible Hulk.  After the movie we went for a Spicy Perogy Pizza at Boston Pizza.  Never had it before but Xavier highly suggested it.  I didn't admit it then but the Spicy Perogy Pizza was indeed spicy, I'd admit it now though..  [I've got over my low tolerance to spicy foods over the last couple years with him.]  It may not sound spectacular but it was.  I had butterflies in my stomach the whole night, and I just nibbled the pizza while I learned just how much of an appetite he really had.  He did most of the talking, I'm sure.  He talked about his Mom and his Sister, as well his family of friends.  The great family of people in his life that love him for who he is and what he stands for.  Just like how I soon learned to do.  He gave me a ride home that night.  I felt lighter than air when I got out of the passenger side of his Malibu.  He gained my respect the first time I met him and it grew into so much more after that night.  

It was also the first night we kissed.  I can't believe how time has flown by. I also can't believe how we have grown over our short past together.  I cannot ask for a better friend or a better man.  He completes me, looks out for me, and loves me.  We talk about our future and look forward to the ups and down with each other.  I can't understand how I was the one so lucky to find my mate.  It's been a rocky two years; filled with times to move on from and times to learn from.  I'm happy and I look forward to spending my life with this man, my better half.  (I love you, baby). 

Peace & love, my friends

Friday, February 26, 2010

Delicious Chicken Soup

I love to try new recipes. I especially love soup.  There’s nothing like throwing a bunch of ingredients into a large pot, letting it stew [or soup in this instance], and experiencing a medley of flavours that makes all that chopping and dicing of vegetables oh so worth it!
So today for you fine folks I have provided the recipe below. Not any outlandish ingredients or not much prep required here! The original recipe book I pulled this from stated to put the chicken in raw at almost the end of the soup’s cook time.  I’ll admit I’m not the most experience in cooking with chicken – not a fan of white meat – but I am very well aware of the fact salmonella exists. And frankly, it scares the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me.  So my friends, this recipe requires cooked chicken.
Tortellini wasn’t in the original recipe either, but I love cheese and the soup needed sustenance.
I did raise an eyebrow at the cucumber in the ingredient list but wow! It added a whole other dimension to the soup.  Definitely my favourite part. 

Main Dish Chicken Soup
                              Olive Oil (approx. 1 or 2 TBSP)
2 cup                    Carrots (grated)
1 cup                    Red Pepper (diced)
½ cup                  Green Onion (sliced)
                              Peas (optional)
2 or 3 boxes        Chicken Broth
Half a package    Cheese Tortellini
1                            Cucumber
                              Chicken (cooked & lightly seasoned)

  1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Add grated carrots, diced peppers, and sliced green onion.
  3. Add broth and peas of desired.
  4. Bring to boil and then reduce heat allowing to simmer for a couple minutes
  5. Meanwhile, cut off both ends of the cucumber and peel entire cucumber into noodle like strips.
  6. Cut any remaining cucumber into thin slices and add to saucepan.
  7. Cook on low heat for a few minutes; either until tortellini is cooked through or until desired flavours are present.
  8. Add chicken and pepper.
  9. Simmer for a few more minutes.  

I know the quantities may seem either off or a lot, however truth be told: I rarely measure what I put in or ever make small quantities of a dish.  When I get a chance to cook I make enough for a week!  I make my soup to taste, and I apologize for any inconvenience the screwy measurements may have caused.

I hope you all enjoy!

Peace & love, my friends

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